Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn <p><strong>ISSN</strong>: 3024-8736 - <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/3024-8736">Link Portal ISSN</a><br /><strong>Chief Editor</strong>: Bu Zulmah Astuti<br /><strong>Contact/WA</strong>: 082350349339</p> Open Edutech Indonesia en-US Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara 3024-8736 Pe- UPAYA PERBAIKAN KEMASAN DAN PELABELAN GUNA MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PRODUK BUMBU CV. MIRACLE AGRO SPICES https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn/article/view/74 <p>Usaha di bidang pangan menjadi sektor bisnis paling diminati di Indonesia. Sebagai negara penghasil rempah-rempah terbesar di dunia, hal ini menjadi latarbelakang bisnis tersebut mulai bermunculan dikarenakan memiliki prospek pertumbuhan cukup besar. CV. Miracle Agro Spices memanfaatkan potensi tersebut dengan menciptakan produk bumbu siap pakai yang diklaim memiliki sifat fungsional untuk campuran masakan. Bumbu mandi dan <em>lemon &amp; pepper seasoning</em> merupakan produk yang sedang dikembangkan oleh CV. Miracle Agro Spices sudah dikemas dalam plastik kiloan dan botol bumbu plastik, tetapi belum diberi label yang sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk membantu mitra memperbaiki pengemasan dan pemberian label untuk meningkatkan kualitas produknya dengan menyesuaikan peraturan pemerintah. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan, introduksi label dan kemasan, pengarahan, serta kegiatan pendampingan pembuatan desain label. Hasil yang dicapai berupa label kemasan lebih menarik dan informatif, memperkenalkan jenis kemasan <em>marketable</em> dengan menggunakan tambahan kemasan aluminium foil model <em>standing pouch</em> sebagai variasi kemasan, dan dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen serta daya saing produk sejenis di pasaran.</p> reni anggraini Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 2 45 56 PENGUATAN KETERAMPILAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH LINGKUNGAN IBU RUMAH TANGGA DESA CONGKRANG MELALUI PEMBUATAN POC https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn/article/view/78 <p>Bekerja sama dengan mahasiswa&nbsp; Komisariat Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang,&nbsp; program pendampingan&nbsp; pengabdian masyarakat&nbsp; berupa sosialisasi pembuatan pupuk organik cair yang terbuat dari&nbsp; limbah sayur&nbsp; di SD Kartika . Berawal&nbsp; dari mayoritas&nbsp; keluarga di desa Congkrang berprofresi petani dan&nbsp; IRT (Ibu Rumah Tangga), banyak limbah sayur dan buah yang&nbsp; terbuang percuma. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah: 1) meningkatkan pengetahuan&nbsp; dan keterampilan Ibu Rumah Tangga&nbsp; melalui edukasi&nbsp; bahaya pupuk kimia; 2) membantu meningkatkan&nbsp; keterampilan dan kepedulian lingkungan sekitar dengan mengolah&nbsp; limbah menjadi POC; 3) Meningkatkan peluang&nbsp; usaha masyarakat melalui limbah sayur dan buah diolah menjadi POC. Metode pengabdian ini melalui tiga tahap: 1) sosialisasi urgensi POC; 2) Praktik pendampingan&nbsp; pengolahan limbah sayur dan buah menjadi POC; 3) Pembentukan komunitas Serumpun (Sekolah Perempuan) dan pendampingan.&nbsp; Hasil-hasil yang diperoleh: 1) meningkatnya pengetahuan IRT dalam mengolah POC dari limbah sayur-buah; 2)&nbsp; meningkatnya keterampilan pemecahan masalah lingkungan melalui praktik POC; 3) terbentuknya komunitas dan meningkatkan pendapatan IRT desa Congkrang.</p> Galih Istiningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 2 57 63 PENCEGAHAN PERLUASAN KASUS SCABIES DENGAN PENDEKATAN PERAWATAN TERKINI DI BOARDING SCHOOL https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn/article/view/81 <p><em>Scabies disease is an itchy disease of the skin, caused by density, moisture, and neglect of personal hygiene. Living together with a group of people such as in Islamic boarding schools is at risk of easily contracting various skin diseases, especially scabies.</em>&nbsp;<em>Attention to issues to improve health status, especially in student groups in boarding schools or boarding schools is a promotive and preventive effort. This service activity aims to determine the description of personal hygiene behavior and the environment of students in the boarding school area. The method of this activity is descriptive and observational. The population of this activity is students of Bina Amal Junior High School boarding school with a sample of 138 students.</em>&nbsp;<em>Activities are carried out by preparing survey links to data on the incidence of scabies, sources of spread, understanding of scabies, and management of scabies either prevention or after it occurs. Then it is carried out by providing education about the concept of scabies and procedures for clean living behavior in schools to demonstrations of wound care for scabies cases. The results of this activity showed that there was a change in student behavior to maintain the cleanliness of the environment&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> shindi hapsari Eni Kusyati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 2 64 69 PENYULUHAN EDUKASI BAHAYA NARKOTIKA OLEH TIM KKN KEBANGSAAN PADA SISWA KELAS 1 SMA NEGERI 1 LEDO https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn/article/view/82 <p><em>According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adolescents are individuals aged between 10 to 19 years old. Adolescents themselves refer to emotional and behavioral characteristics that tend to fluctuate. In their transitional period, adolescents have a very large curiosity about the life around them. One of the juvenile delinquencies that is quite prevalent in today's life is drug abuse. This can happen, among other things, because there are several unresolved conflicts during childhood, resulting in rebellion and opposition that leads to drug use in abnormal doses. Narcotics themselves are substances or drugs that can cause decreased consciousness, loss of sensation, reduced to eliminate pain, and cause a sense of dependence. One of the first steps to prevent drug abuse is to provide education to adolescents so that they have maximum provisions in facing challenges in the future. </em></p> Antonius Anton Totok Victor Didik Saputro Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 2 70 77 EFEKTIFITAS PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN PERTOLONGAN PERTAMA KECELAKAAN TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN TENTANG KERACUNAN MAKANAN DAN GAS KARBON MONOKSIDA (CO) SISWA KELAS XI https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn/article/view/90 <p><em>Based on cases that illustrate the lack of information about the incidence of food poisoning and carbon monoxide (CO) gas that afflicts a person. Especially in students who often consume fast food snacks have a great risk of experiencing food poisoning and exposure to air pollution due to land transportation can endanger student health because it can cause carbon monoxide (CO) gas poisoning. The purpose of this activity is to increase students' knowledge through health education regarding accident first aid about food poisoning and carbon monoxide (CO) gas. This activity was carried out on grade XI students of Madrasah Aliyah Private Miftahul Ulum Anggana. As a result of this health education activity, students can understand how accident first aid is about food poisoning and carb-monoxide (CO) gas and students are able to answer questions given about the importance of providing accident first aid in such cases.</em></p> Candra Patniawati Candra Patniawati Milkhatun Alfi Ari Fakhrul Rizal Zulmah Astuti Ni Wayan Wiwin Asthiningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 2 78 83 PENGARUH PELATIHAN PERTOLONGAN PERTAMA KECELAKAAN TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN TENTANG LUKA DAN PERDARAHAN SISWA KELAS 11 MADRASAH ALIYAH SWASTA MIFTAHUL ULUM ANGGANA https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn/article/view/91 <p><strong>Abstrak. </strong>Pendidikan kesehatan di sekolah mengenai Pertolongan Pertama Pada Luka dan Perdarahan ditujukan bukan hanya kepada para guru, tetapi diberikan juga kepada siswa atau seluruh warga yang ada di lingkungan sekolah dan pertolongan pertama ini dibutuhkan diberbagai keadaan darurat seperti terjadinya cidera dan kecelakaan baik di rumah, di jalan, di sekolah, maupun tempat lainnya. Bagi penolong yang kurang memiliki pengetahuan dan motivasi yang cukup, cenderung menghindari melakukan pertolongan pada korban dan melakukan pertolongan tanpa dibekali pengetahuan akan mengakibatkan kondisi yang fatal pada korban dan bisa terjadi kematian. Maka dari itu, kurangnya pengetahuan siswa tentang pertolongan pertama pada luka dan perdarahan dapat di atasi dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan&nbsp; yang bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan, dan motivasi agar mejadi lebih baik dan lebih mengetahui dalam memberikan pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tri Wulandari Wulandari Milkhatun Rusni Masnina Rini Ernawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 2 84 91 SOSIALISASI PENGHENTIAN SUNAT PADA ANAK PEREMPUAN DAN PEREMPUAN PADA KELOMPOK IBU DHARMA WANITA KLHK PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TIMUR https://jurnalpkm.org/index.php/jpn/article/view/95 <p><em>Female Genital Cutting and Mutilation (FGCM) or female circumcision is an old practice that is still widely practiced in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. The implementation of female circumcision is linked to religious and cultural values, so it gives the impression of being a medicalization that parents must carry out for their daughters because they are worried that they will be ostracized or deemed not to comply with religious law. The aim of this community service is socialization to jointly stop the behavior of circumcising girls in the neighborhood where Darma Wanita lives. Community service utilizes counseling at the Dharma Wanita UPT Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The results of this activity increased the knowledge of mothers of Dharma Wanita members regarding the prohibition of female circumcision both from a health and religious perspective, as well as understanding the side effects of female circumcision for children who experience it. Apart from that, there was a commitment raised by the majority of participants in outreach activities not to allow their children, grandchildren, or relatives to undergo female circumcision.</em></p> Tri Wahyuni dwi rahmah Fitriani Faried Rahman Hidayat Meliana Susanti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 2 2 92 98